Publications Internationales 2009 - 2011

Le laboratoire a une riche production scientifique avec de nombreuses publications internationales. Entre 2007 et 2017, le LEC a généré des statistiques de publications via l'outil Publish_or_Perish. Ces travaux de recherche ont été largement diffusés et ont contribué à des avancées majeures dans les domaines de :

  • La qualité de l’énergie électrique.
  • Le diagnostic et l’optimisation des systèmes à énergie renouvelable.
  • Le contrôle et la commande des systèmes électriques.

Le laboratoire continue à publier régulièrement dans des revues scientifiques de renommée mondiale, renforçant ainsi sa réputation dans le domaine de l’électrotechnique.

  1. F. Mehazzem, A. Reama, H. Benalla, "Sensorless Nonlinear Adaptative Backstepping Control of induction Motor", International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering, Issue III, Volume 8, Janvier 2009 ISSN Print 1687-4811, Online 1687-482X.
  2. Salima Meziane, Riad Toufouti, Hocine Benalla, "New Direct Torque Neuro_Fuzzy Control Based SVM for Dual Two Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor", CEAI, Vol.11, N 2, pp 3-13, 2009.
  3. Riad Toufouti, Salima Meziane, Hocine Benalla, "New Direct Torque Neuro_Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Control For Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation", International Review of automatic Control (I. RE.CO), Vol 2. N4 July 2009.
  4. K. Nabti. K. Abed. H. Benalla, "Improved DTC relying on Hybrid Fuzzy-self tuning PI Regulator for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine", International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering, Issue III, Volume 8, Janvier 2009 ISSN Print 1687-4811, Online 1687-482X.
  5. K. Nabti. K. Abed. H. Benalla, "Speed-Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Improved By Fuzzy-PI Regulation", International Journal Of electrical Engineering, Volume 2009 Issue 1.
  6. D. Labed, M. Bouchahdane, M. Zellagui and A.Bouzid "Dialogue between two numerical distance protections ABB and siemens for the dispersed groups of productions connected in HVB network" World Journal of Engineering Issue Vol.6 No. 3 2009 ; ISSN 1708-5284.
  7. S. Zerguini, B. Maouche1, M. Latreche, and M. Feliachi, "A coupled fictitious electric circuit’s method for impedance of a sensor with ferromagnetic core calculation. Application to eddy currents non destructive testing", Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 31202 (2009) ISSN 1286-0042.
  8. H. ALLAG, J.P. YONNET, "3D Analytical Calculation of the Torque and Forces Exerted Between Two Cuboidal Magnets", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 45, N0 10, October 2009, ISSN: 0018-9464.
  9. Lebaroud. A , Clerc. G, "Accurate Diagnosis of Induction Machine Faults Using Optimal Time-Frequency Representations", ELSEVIER, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, N° 22, pp 825-832, 2009.
  10. A. Ghoggal,S.E. Zouzou, H. Razik, M. Sahraoui, A. Khezzar, "An improved model of induction motors for diagnosis purposes - Slot skewing effect and air-gap eccentricity faults, Energy Conversion and Management, N° 50, pp. 1336-1347, 2009.
  11. Khezzar, A.; Kaikaa, M. Y.; Oumaamar, M. E. K.; Boucherma, M.; Razik, H.; "On the Use of Slot Harmonics as a Potential Indicator of Rotor Bar Breakage in the Induction Machine", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on,Volume 56, Issue 11, Nov. 2009 Page(s):4592 - 4605, ISSN: 0278-0046.
  12. Khezzar, A.; Oumaamar, M. E. K.; Hadjami, M.; Boucherma, M.; Razik, H.; "Induction Motor Diagnosis Using Line Neutral Voltage Signatures", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on,Volume 56, Issue 11, Nov. 2009 Page(s):4581 - 4591, ISSN: 0278-0046.
  13. A. Bentounsi, H. Djeghloud, H. Benalla, T. Birem and H. Amiar, "Computer-Aided Teaching Using MATLAB/Simulink for Enhancing an IM Course with Laboratory Tests", IEEE-TE, 2010, Vol. 53, Issue 4.
  14. A. Bentounsi, R. Rebbah, F. Rebahi, H. Djeghloud, H. Benalla, "Effects of the geometric parameters on performance of a SRM by numerical-analytical approach", Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISSN 1860-949X, ISBN 978-3-642-16224-4, 2010, Vol. 327, pp. 342-349.
  15. R. Rebbah, A. Bentounsi and H. Benalla, "New Approach for Optimizing Control of Switched Reluctance Generator", International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1793-8198, Vol. 2, N°2, 2010, pp. 365-370.
  16. Toufouti Riad, Benalla Hocine, and Meziane Salima, New Direct Torque Neuro-Fuzzy Control Based SVM-Three Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2010) 8(2):425-432 DOI 10.1007/s12555-010-0230-8.
  17. K. Nabti, K. Abed, and H. Benalla, "A New DTC Scheme for PMSM with Minimized Torque Ripple and Constant Switching Frequency" ICGST, ACSE journal, Volume 10, Issue 1, Jannvier 2010, pp. 47-54.
  18. Harzelli Bouthiba, H. Benalla, "Novel vector control with rotor resistance adaptation for PWM VSI-fed induction motor drives", IJ-STA, volume 4, N 1, December 2010, pp. 27-36.
  19. A. Golea, S. Mekhilef, M. N. Abdul Kadir, "Artificial Neural Network Based Space-Vector PWM Hysteresis Current Controller", IET, Control Theory and Applications, 2010, Volume 4, Issue 9, pp. 1956-1964.
  20. Benadda Badreddine, Brahami Mustapha, "Support Vector Machines Approach to Support Intelligent Monitoring of Multivariable Process", Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011, 16-18 March, 2011, Hong Kong, pp396-400.
  21. F. Mehazzem, A. Reama, H. Benalla, "Sensorless Nonlinear Adaptative Backstepping Control of induction Motor", International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering, Issue III, Volume 8, Janvier 2009 ISSN Print 1687-4811, Online 1687-482X.
  22. Salima Meziane, Riad Toufouti, Hocine Benalla, "New Direct Torque Neuro_Fuzzy Control Based SVM for Dual Two Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor", CEAI, Vol.11, N 2, pp 3-13, 2009.
  23. Riad Toufouti, Salima Meziane, Hocine Benalla, "New Direct Torque Neuro_Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Control For Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation", International Review of automatic Control (I. RE.CO), Vol 2. N4 July 2009.
  24. K. Nabti. K. Abed. H. Benalla, "Improved DTC relying on Hybrid Fuzzy-self tuning PI Regulator for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine", International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering, Issue III, Volume 8, Janvier 2009 ISSN Print 1687-4811, Online 1687-482X.
  25. K. Nabti. K. Abed. H. Benalla, "Speed-Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Improved By Fuzzy-PI Regulation", International Journal Of electrical Engineering, Volume 2009 Issue 1.
  26. D. Labed, M. Bouchahdane, M. Zellagui and A.Bouzid "Dialogue between two numerical distance protections ABB and siemens for the dispersed groups of productions connected in HVB network" World Journal of Engineering Issue Vol.6 No. 3 2009 ; ISSN 1708-5284.
  27. S. Zerguini, B. Maouche1, M. Latreche, and M. Feliachi, "A coupled fictitious electric circuit’s method for impedance of a sensor with ferromagnetic core calculation. Application to eddy currents non destructive testing", Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 31202 (2009) ISSN 1286-0042.
  28. H. ALLAG, J.P. YONNET, "3D Analytical Calculation of the Torque and Forces Exerted Between Two Cuboidal Magnets", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 45, N0 10, October 2009, ISSN: 0018-9464.
  29. Lebaroud. A , Clerc. G, "Accurate Diagnosis of Induction Machine Faults Using Optimal Time-Frequency Representations", ELSEVIER, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, N° 22, pp 825-832, 2009.
  30. A. Ghoggal,S.E. Zouzou, H. Razik, M. Sahraoui, A. Khezzar, "An improved model of induction motors for diagnosis purposes - Slot skewing effect and air-gap eccentricity faults, Energy Conversion and Management, N° 50, pp. 1336-1347, 2009.
  31. Khezzar, A.; Kaikaa, M. Y.; Oumaamar, M. E. K.; Boucherma, M.; Razik, H.; "On the Use of Slot Harmonics as a Potential Indicator of Rotor Bar Breakage in the Induction Machine", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on,Volume 56, Issue 11, Nov. 2009 Page(s):4592 - 4605, ISSN: 0278-0046.
  32. Khezzar, A.; Oumaamar, M. E. K.; Hadjami, M.; Boucherma, M.; Razik, H.; "Induction Motor Diagnosis Using Line Neutral Voltage Signatures", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on,Volume 56, Issue 11, Nov. 2009 Page(s):4581 - 4591, ISSN: 0278-0046.
  33. A. Bentounsi, H. Djeghloud, H. Benalla, T. Birem and H. Amiar, "Computer-Aided Teaching Using MATLAB/Simulink for Enhancing an IM Course with Application to Diagnostics", IJEE, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, janvier 2009, pp. 47-59.